Preparing for Year 12

Dear Students,

I want to take this opportunity to tell you that we are looking forward to welcoming you as a member of the Xaverian Community. This year has been uniquely disruptive, and I know that you will be hugely disappointed not to be able to finish your final few months of study at high school, and to have the fulfilment of demonstrating the fruits of your hard work in your final GCSE exams.

However, the way you have dealt with this set-back so far has been commendable, and I know many of you have already been in touch with the College to ask what you can be doing to prepare yourself for Advanced Level study with us. It is this passion for knowledge that we hope you will develop during your time at Xaverian, and why I am sure that both you and the College will benefit from your time with us.
Each subject area has produced a document (below) that gives some guidance as to what you can be doing to best prepare yourself to begin your studies at Xaverian. This may be books, articles or journals to read, podcasts to listen to, films to watch, problems to work through or creative composition for you to undertake. Each curriculum area has determined what will be most appropriate for their subject, and as such each document is unique.

I encourage you to read these documents thoroughly for the subjects you are interested in studying, and to begin to work through any of the recommended preparatory work. You are welcome to investigate a number of subjects if you are still finalising your course options.

You can access details of your application to Xaverian through CEDAR. You will find your login details for CEDAR in the confirmation email you will have received from the College. If you have mislaid your login details or did not recevive the email please contact us through the email link shown below.

We will write to you again over the summer with details of enrolment, and if you have any queries, please contact the Admissions Office via

Best wishes,
Tony Knowles

Our Careers Department have also produced information that you may also want to read.

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